
  © Kim Su-yeon / The Argus  
  ©Kim Su-yeon / The Argus  

 Kim Su-yeon 

The primary change that I aim for this year is to cultivate diligence. Looking back on my past few years, I have come to realize that I have dedicated too much time to adjusting to campus life. It might sound ridiculous that I spent all three years simply adapting. Feeling stagnant lately, I find it intolerable. Therefore, I am trying to make some changes. Nowadays, I am tackling personal tasks that I have long been putting off, one by one. The process requires me to distance myself from the familiar and embrace the new. As a senior, I often felt like I was swept away by the relentless flow of time. Nevertheless, I will pause, take a deep breath, and then embark on my journey of self-improvement.

 Kim Yi-eun 

Until now, as I lived without a clear goal, I have had many regrets where I should have tried or tried harder. I would like to live a bit busier in 2024. As a starting point, I want to embrace every moment as a reporter of The Argus and do my best without regrets. While preparing for this March issue, I have been reflecting on whether I have ever devoted time and effort to something during my life in university. So, this year, even if I fail, I want to truly give my best to what I do and find myself growing from it. Later, when I look back on this year, I hope I do not have any regrets.

 Lee Seeun 

Last year, I did not engage in any activities. However, being part of The Argus gave me a chance to appreciate the pleasure of sharing meals with fellow journalists, discussing about difficult tasks, and working together to produce excellent outcomes. Initially daunting, each step of sharing and finding solutions together became invaluable to me. Witnessing the transformation of a piece of writing, from a mess of ideas to a polished work filled me with immense pride. Furthermore, with each article I wrote, I experienced a level of immersion and contemplation that I would never have felt during vacations without any specific plans. Engaging in The Argus provided me with a precious opportunity to participate in the beauty of communal living and the process of producing great results together.

 Cho Subin 

As this is my first semester as a staff reporter of The Argus, I want to change into someone who has more responsibility and does not waste time. I believe having a sense of responsibility means valuing each moment and making it count. However, reflecting on my past school days, I realize I often failed to focus on the present due to worrying about the distant future. However, preparing for this March issue taught me that fulfilling goals in the present shapes my future. I found that rather than agonizing over crafting the perfect article, starting to write, and finding direction along the way was more productive. Perhaps, as I accumulate diligent days, a bright future awaits me.

 Joo Heejin 

I hope that I will be more diligent in 2024 than I was in 2023. I have sometimes been in trouble since I tend to put off tasks for the pleasure of the moment. I started to study for an exam when the exam date is less than a week away and to work on the assignment a few hours before the submission deadline, so I was pressed for time and stressed out. Once I experienced these difficulties, I thought I should not live like this. So, now I am going to try to be diligent this year. I aspire to overcome my inclination to spend time in bed and instead commit to sitting at my desk, studying diligently, and, above all, giving up the pursuit of immediate pleasure. When reflecting on this year, I aim for a sense of fulfillment without any regrets stemming from laziness.

 Lee Jue-hyun 

When I first entered university, I anticipated that by this senior year, plans for the journey ahead would be somewhat solidified, and I would have a sense of certainty about what I wanted to achieve. However, rather than drawing my own picture, it seems I have not quite reached the image I had envisioned in the past, severely swayed by the surrounding circumstances. But luckily, I will be challenging myself by becoming an exchange student in Germany this semester, navigating an environment I have never experienced before. I sincerely hope to have a deep conversation with myself and return home with my own answers.

 Cho Eun 

“Your beginnings will seem humble, so prosperous will your future be,” Job 8:7 is the verse for me in 2024. After a significant hiatus, this year marks a new beginning for me. Like an engine growling at the starting line, I am carefully checking for any flaws or needs. Instead of adhering to a harsh schedule that would easily exhaust me, I am approaching the year like a long-distance race, aiming to keep going without taking breaks. If you happen to notice me being lazy, please give me a nudge to bring me back to my senses.

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